Print, Audio, or Video – What’s Your Preference?

23930918942_70de1a2f3aPhoto Credit:sanket.patel7989viaCompfightcc

      Do you like to look at text?




Photo Credit: Kindarandomphotography Flickr via Compfight cc



                                                                                                                               Listen to a recording ?





Photo Credit: tlong Flickr via Compfightcc


Or, watch a video ?


The more I review what Bates has to say in Chapter 7, the more it makes me think about how technology – with all it’s variances – carries potential to reach more students.  We know that individuals have different learning preferences/styles, so teaching using a variety of print, audio, and video presentations will provide opportunities for students to learn in a way that best suits them.  The idea of  blended learning   where students can have a combination of direct teaching, watching videos, listening to podcasts, reading books in print,  watching instruction at home on the computer, blogging and other technological outlets –  seems to me to be an ultimate idea behind educational diversification. In Bates’ words:

A large part of learning requires the mental integration of content acquired through different media and symbol systems.


I like reading information in text, but that is mostly under ideal conditions.  It can be frustrating to have to read something in print when conditions are not just right (lighting, external noise, time pressure, fatigue level etc.)


I have been trying to think about any audio that I have enjoyed other than listening to music.  I remember listening to an audio book that I really liked called The Alchemist.  Also, I remember listening to a children’s story on tape called Mozart’s Magic Fantasy: A Journey Through ‘The Magic Flute’,   

… but I think much of that enjoyment was due to the music as well as the story.


I found an interesting set of podcasts this week for teaching in the area of visual arts and they had been created using something called acast+.  I am not usually one who goes for auditory learning, but I found the few that I listened to quite enjoyable.  Then I found some videos done by the same person, and that confirmed it… I definitely have a tendency to want to see and hear what I am learning.


The persuading factors for video playing an important role in education can be see in the following You Tube video: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education.  There is mention of flipped education and concentration on ‘mastery’ of any given area before moving on to the next level.


Lots of interesting thoughts in class blogs this week.  Both Stephanie and Chalyn got me thinking about how important it is to present a wide variety of learning options so that students can get a sense of what works best for them.

After this week’s zoom demonstration of how to use Tube Chop, I was able to chop the video but when I tried to get the chopped video into this blog – I was unsuccessful.  So I just included the whole thing video

If there is anyone who might be able to suggest how to do that – it would be great. Thanks.

9 thoughts on “Print, Audio, or Video – What’s Your Preference?

  1. It’s neat to experiment with different things (especially those brought to our attention in class) to see how they can impact our teaching as well as how they impact our learning.
    Thanks for the video suggestion!


  2. I just read Kelsie’s blog and now yours and both identify as not learning that well from auditory media, but I have found that audio is one of my favourite forms of media. I gotta keep reading other blogs to see if I’m alone on this!


    • Tinc ganes de veure el teu regal al teu amic invisible!. M&8en17;enca2t#n els teus dibuixos!. A mi també m’agrada molt dibuixar, però amb resultat dubtós.El meu regal anirà d’això, també. En fi…


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